Why Penetration Testing Matters to Your Business
Also called ethical hacking, penetration testing looks for network vulnerabilities to address the security posture of an organization. From security services and policies to staff awareness and disaster response plans, it's important to understand why pen testing matters to your business.
Cybersecurity Essentials for Regulated Industries
All companies need to protect their customer data, but regulated industries have a special obligation. Cybercriminals are smart and they go where the money is. Here are some cybersecurity best practices that can prevent data breaches from bringing your operation to a crashing halt.
5 Ways to Keep Your Inbox Safe
Your email inbox seems like a safe place, but it is often where data loss starts. Phishing, viruses in attachments and simple employee error can cause big problems in the email realm. So, how do you keep your inbox safe? Here some indispensable tips to follow for yourself and your employees.
What Is Spear Phishing and How Do You Defend Against It?
Did you know more than 85% of emails consumers receive are considered spam? An email encouraging you to buy something or visit a new website may not seem dangerous, but it can be—especially if the email is a phishing attempt. Follow these tips to protect yourself from spear phishing attacks.
4 Ways to Keep Your Endpoints Secure
Think about every device you or your employees use to access your business network. All of these devices are called endpoints and they are attractive targets to cybercriminals. Here are 5 of the top things you can do to keep your endpoints secure.
4 Endpoints That Should Always Be Protected
An endpoint is any device that is connected to a network. Different types of endpoints present their own security challenges, but any endpoint connected to your network should be protected to keep your network secure. Here are 4 of the most common types of endpoints and how to protect them.
4 cybersecurity resolutions you should make this New Year
It's that time of year again. The time when we decide to do better next year, create a plan, and give it the good old college try. This year, in between vowing to get in shape or read more books, consider adding these 4 cybersecurity resolutions to help keep you safe online.
Top Data Breaches of 2018 and What We’ve Learned
Companies of all sizes, including huge corporations, suffered data breaches in 2018. Some of the most famous brands on Earth fell prey to hackers and customer data was compromised in the process. Before the new year rings in, let's take a not-so-fond look back at some of these frightening events.
Your Guide to Infrastructure Security
Infrastructure means the structure of your technological setup. There are many different ways to set your infrastructure up, but one thing that every IT infrastructure has in common is the need for security. Follow these tips to keep your infrastructure safe and sound.